Waking up
I'm pretty sure most people just work the system because it's ingraved in them from a young age to do so.
Go to school. Get a job. Get married. Have kids. Work until your sixty. Die.
Corporations and the goverment have been sneaky. If we ever leave the system, if we ever break out, they cant control us. They cant make money from us. And no, they most certainly cant have that.
When you go to job interviews, you sometimes get asked, "Where do you see yourself in five years?" I've never know how to answer that question so I've always lied. The other day I thought to myself, "How has my life changed in the last five years?" Fact of the matter is... It hasn't.
Some people may like that. They study their whole life for a career they always wanted so to look back in five years to find they've been doing what they love is a sussess. They are winning at life.
I'm sorry, but that's not for me. For me to look back on my life to see myself still working forty hours a week just to live for two days off where I'm too tired to do anything or to poor as all my wages have gone on bills... No thank you. I'd rather not.
Maybe that's why people are so miserable these days? I work in customer service, which is just a fancy word for hotel reservations, and let me tell you people of all ages are miserable! The girls and I in the office get shouted at on a daily basis as guests want something we are unable to give them. They want to moon but we offer them the stars, which apparently isn't want they wanted so they get angry. They fail to realise, we are just doing our job and most importantly, and I cant stress this enough... We don't bloody care.
"This is the first time we've gone away since having kids." Well... You should have thought about that before having kids if you'd want to escape them so bad! You know, I didn't have my first holiday until I was nearly twenty three? My brother, who is twenty eight this year has never had a holiday. My mother, who is fifty four this year hasn't had a holiday since she was twenty one. Do I ever hear them complain about never going on holiday? Nope. Not once. Yet people that go away all the time don't get to sit by the window for their dinner will kick off and exspect a refund.
How broken are these people?
I look around and realise there is noones life I would rather have. I dont want to work all day every day for the next forty years just for... What? A house? A car? Children?? No thank you. I don't want children, that isn't on the cards for me and never will be. So I'm working for... What exactly?
The answer is nothing.
And that's exactly what 'they' want from every one. Keep us trapped in this cycle forever and ever. Teach it to us whilst we're young and our brains are still growing.
No thank you, I'd rather not.
I've decided this game has gone on long enough. I'm going to get out. I'll play along for a few years, go along with everything they throw at me. Nod and agree. Then I'm out. I'm getting a one way ticket out of here and I'm not coming back unless I have to.
Fuck the system.
And fuck anyone who thinks it's a good system.
No wonder why kids are so depressed and anxious these days. They know this isn't how we are meant to live. I'm hoping for an outrawr one day, in fact that's exactly what I'm living for.
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